You Were Never Alone (LP)

Emery, Future Management - October 8, 2015
Format: Vinyl
Genre: Contemporary

1. Rock, pebble, stone
2. Thrash
3. Hard times
4. The beginning
5. The less you say
6. Pink slip
7. To the deep
8. What s stopping you
9. Go wrong young man
10. Taken for a bath
11. Salvatore Wryhta
12. Alone

UPC # 707541853415

$15.18$15.18 Retail: $18.98 20% off
The purchase of this accompaniment track is for the sole use of the customer purchasing it. You may use it for performing in any live setting. Copyright law requires a license for recording with the accompaniment track (e.g., putting it on a CD, DVD, or digital download) or streaming your performance using the accompaniment track (e.g., YouTube, Facebook Live, website, or other livestreaming). To purchase a license to record or livestream using a Daywind accompaniment track, please call 800-635-9581.