Join Phil Vischer and his friends Emily Elephant, Sam the Turtle, Carlo the Signing Hermit Crab, and The Bible Nuts as they learn some powerful and exciting lessons!How Should We Treat Our Enemies?
Sometimes people can be really, really mean. When someone is mean to us, shouldwe be mean right back? Or should we just ignore them? Are there any other options?Emily Elephant and Sam the Turtle take a trip through time to answer the question,”How should we treat our enemies?” On their journey they meet Ruby Bridges, theamazing 6-year-old girl who was the first African-American student to integrate her allwhite school in New Orleans. Day after day, when Ruby walked to school, whiteparents lined up and yelled at her. Instead of yelling back, or just ignoring the angryparents, Ruby imitated Jesus by stopping, turning toward her enemies, and praying forthem.Sam and Emily also learn about the book of 1st Samuel, and take another step with Mr.Phil through the letter we call 1st John!How Good Do We Have to Be?
All of us do bad things sometimes. We all can be selfish and mean. Emily Elephantand Sam the Turtle take a trip through time to answer this question, “How good do wehave to be to make up for being bad?” On their journey they meet Martin Luther, andlearn that there is nothing we can do to make up for the bad we do, because everythingwe need to be forgiven has already been done by Jesus!Sam and Emily also learn about the book of 2nd Samuel, and take another step with Mr. Phil through the letter we call 1st John!